May 1, 2023Liked by sherri jane margolin aka durga

Where is this thing in LA? Invite doesn't say. How long will the program be? How many are estimated to attend? Good for you for getting yourself out there!

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I was trying to restock with a quote and couldn’t do it from the app. Here’s the quote:

“The theme is “words create worlds”. That can’t be truer. What we think and then what we express has power. It can fashion our day-to-day life. If all the words are negative, then day to day will be a glass half empty existence without promise or hope for a small miracle or smile. 

“But I am believer that we can’t whitewash or sugarcoat our struggles or pain. Bottling up is a recipe for further sadness and words if expressed creatively and constructively help us process our world and make sense of our internal mechanisms. Expressing words through the creative process can place an experience alongside of us or outside of us, allowing us to observe it just enough perhaps so that it does not become the whole of our existence. Words then become sanative; words create a healing world both internally and sharing it forward as collective common experience.“

What we think, feel, say and do, what we call real has the power to reify in our experience.

When we share that in our conversations, tell our story and we can be so down in it, looking for a guiding light or a hand grasping ours as we walk along together. We are already in what we’re calling real, making it real-er, often convinced we’re right about how we’re seeing it. That’s how identification goes.

We don’t often question what we are calling real in our expressions. We don’t tend to look for a thread, theme or pattern unless, as writing calls for, we do.

We also don’t question what our story-telling medicine is calling for, in sharing our story what is it we want? To be seen and heard? Commiserated with? Or do we want freedom? Love?

How is our story telling an answer to the calling and crying out of humanity? How are we assuaging the wounds with the power of our words—the Word that has no words but gives rise to them all?

Writing is quite the profession—what are we professing? Working out? The inspired creative flow is a rich kind of nondoing. The story being told has a life of its own. It’s selected us to be it’s avenue of entry into the world of conceptual expression.

What an honor!

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